Immunantwort bei infiszierten und natürlichen EHV-1 infizierten Pferden
Equid alphaherpesvirus 1 (EHV-1) is a major viral infectious agent in horses, causing
upper respiratory tract infection, abortion, neonatal death or neurologic disorders in
horses worldwide. Infections can affect individual animals or become evident as outbreaks, affecting several horses in the same premise. While respiratory disease due to EHV-1 infection in general is self-limiting and of limited importance, abortion and equine
herpesvirus myeloencephalopathy (EHM) are dreaded sequelae that can have a major
impact on the horse industry and equine welfare, including animal deaths, quarantine
measures and high treatment expenses. Many aspects concerning the epidemiology of
the virus and the immune response in the host are still unresolved.
Projekt 2020-09 Antrag von: Dr. med. vet. Julia Lechmann und Prof. Dr. sc. nat.
Cornel Fraefel, Zürich Kosten: CHF 15'000 Status: In Arbeit